policy proposals

Policy proposals for party consideration

Retirement Incomes for Women

Working For Families reform

Exit Services for Women Leaving Gangs, Religious Cults, and services to support “Detransitioners”

Women’s Incomes and Well-being

The Women’s Rights Party advocates for income support while raising our children or caring for our elders, recognising that mothering and caring is work and contributes to society.

Pay equity

Work typically done by women, particularly Māori, Pasifika and Asian women, continues to be undervalued, contributing to an on-going sex-based pay gap and sex/ethnicity pay gap.


We combine this history with the imperative to create a society in which women are autonomous, and all women, men and children can live in harmony with each other and the natural environment to protect the future for our children and their children.

Advocating for Women

We advocate for economic and social equity, health and wellbeing of women.

Adding our voice to general issues

We will not ignore issues that affect all New Zealanders and do impact on women and our future generations. These issues are of particular concern to young people who we would also like to attract to our Party.

Prostitution Reform

We aim to reduce demand, in order to reduce or abolish prostitution; and to support women’s equality in society. If women want to stay in prostitution, they can do so without fear of prosecution.

Human Rights Act

The Women’s Rights Party opposes the inclusion of “gender, gender identity and gender expression” as a protected ground for discrimination in the Human Rights Act 1993.

Conversion Practices

We call for the removal of all references to “gender, gender identity and gender expression” from the Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Act 2022.

“Rough Sex” murder defence

We will work with other groups in calling for a ban on the use of “rough sex” as a defence in a murder case or a case involving serious harm.

Puberty blockers, hormones and surgery

We support a ban on the use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to treat children and adolescents under the age of 18 who are presenting with “sex-related distress. We are also calling for an inquiry into the contracting of PATHA.


The Women’s Rights Party stands by women everywhere who are denied access to education and who are denied opportunities to participate in paid work or the political life of their nations; whose freedom of movement is restricted…

Educating our Young People

We call for the Ministry of Education’s Relationships and Sexuality Education Guidelines to be replaced with guidelines that recognise the reality of biological sex and removes references to the imprecise concept of “gender”