
Misogyny behind attacks on women’s rights campaigners and women politicians

A man who threw what turned out to be tomato juice at UK women’s rights advocate Kellie-Jay Keen and Tania Sturt, an organiser of the “Let Women Speak” event in Auckland’s Albert Park on 25 March last year, has been convicted of assault charges against the two and was discharged today [3 September]. The attack

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Australian decision shows changes to Human Rights Act would harm women

“Tickle v Giggle” illustrates why legal sex self-ID and ‘gender identity’ erodes boundaries that allow women to meet in women-only spaces.

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Changing The Future

Sandi Hall’s call for women to change the future opens with a quote from 20th Century novelist and journalist Martha Gellhorn. Sandi presented her collection of thoughts by women on the need for a political movement to champion women’s rights at the Women’s Rights Party Conference, 29 June 2024. The publication includes a forward by

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Should NZ law acknowledge ‘gender identity and expression’?

A review of the NZ Human Rights Act by the Law Commission could embed the absurdity of gender into NZ law.

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Te Whatu Ora menstruation advice highlights madness of trans ideology.

“Having a period is not a feminine thing, and people of all genders menstruate, including non-binary people, agender people and even plenty of men”, or so says Health NZ | Te Whatu Ora in its new draft ‘gender diversity’ policy. The policy goes on to state that: “For some trans and gender diverse people, getting

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Sall Grover, ‘Tickle v Giggle’ to tour New Zealand, 4-10 July

Sall Grover, the defendant in a case being heralded as the biggest legal case for women’s rights in decades, will be in New Zealand from 4-10 July for a series of public meetings. ‘Tickle v Giggle’, now before the Australian Federal Court, was brought by a man who identifies as a woman, Roxanne Tickle, who

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Don’t wreck Queenstown Lakes District, Women’s Rights Party urges

The Queenstown Lakes District Council is currently consulting on a draft by-law that would relax certain requirements and expand the area where sex trade activities can occur. In its submission to the Council, the Women’s Rights Party opposed the draft by-law changes an called on the Council to support the women of Queenstown and Wanaka

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CEDAW must honour sex-based rights

The Women’s Rights Party is concerned that questions being circulated by a committee of CEDAW (the Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women 1979) appear to be considering a possible support for “gender identity” being included as a “right” in law. Instead of affirming the sex-based rights for women which are

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We are the only political party in New Zealand that puts women first.
