Submission On The Use of Puberty Blockers
It is completely unethical that a medication that deliberately eliminates the crucial physical and cognitive development of puberty is available without regulation in New Zealand, and has been allowed to gain a celebrity status amongst children
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Interview: From the front lines of the Gender Wars, and surveying the field in 2025.
Jill and Katrina join the polity.world podcast to review the highlights and lowlights of 2024 from the front lines of the Gender Wars, and survey the field in 2025.
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Submission on the Mental Health Bill 87
We support the intention of the bill. But attempts to embed gender ideology into law must be removed from the bill.
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New sex education curriculum should be age appropriate and scientifically accurate
The Women’s Rights Party welcomes the announcement that the Relationships and Sexuality Education Guidelines are to be removed as of the end of Term 1 next year. The current guidelines, which cover Years 1-10, are to be replaced by a refreshed curriculum that would define the core knowledge and skills students should learn at each
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More Delays In Action On Use Of Puberty Blockers With Children
More than four years ago, questions were being raised both in New Zealand and internationally about the safety and long-term use of puberty blockers to treat children experiencing “sex-related distress”. Today [Thursday, 21 November], the Ministry of Health announced it had been instructed by the Government to consult on whether there should be additional safety
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New Zealand’s Retirement System Fails Women
NZ’s pension system scores poorly on income adequacy, and it is women who suffer the most in retirement New Zealand’s retirement system – made up of mostly of KiwiSaver and NZ Super – scores poorly by international standards in terms of the income people receive in retirement, slipping from 25th to 28th place out of
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Does this government want the people’s views to be heard?
“…I fear that this government doesn’t really want to hear from those whose views don’t align with theirs.”
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Our Submission on Improving Arrangements For Suffogacy Bill
The Health Select Committee has called for submissions on its much improved revised Surrogacy Bill However, the Women’s Rights Party and the Women’s Declaration International, to which we are a signatory, support women’s and girls’ rights to physical and reproductive integrity. We therefore oppose women’s exploitation through surrogacy and related practices. Reproductive integrity includes a
read moreWe are the only political party in New Zealand that puts women first.