Join Us

Join the Movement

Women have the right to speak and to assemble freely in a democratic society without fear of intimidation and violence.

The Women’s Rights Party set out to give voters an option on the ballot paper and to send a message to the mainstream Parties that women’s and girls’ sex-based rights matter.

We were registered as a political Party before the General Election in October 2023 and stood a List of 12 amazing women.

We have more than 700 members and local groups are organising activities around the country.

We also have an active fb group for members only, we are active on X Twitter, and we regularly produce White Camelia podcast.

You can be part of this exciting movement for change!

Fill out the form to join us.

Currently the membership fee is $5 per year. After filling out the form you’ll be asked to make a direct payment to our bank account to complete your enrollment.

If you would prefer to fill out and submit a paper copy of the form, then the form can be downloaded here.

Women's Rights Party Membership Form

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