Sue Hoskins

Sue Hoskins: New Zealand Womens Rights Party


List position: 8

Meet Sue Hoskins

If we wish to maintain a just society we must honestly face truth and reality.

Sue is a Wellington health professional who has become involved in the Women’s Rights Party as she has growing concerns for the erosion of many of the foundations of our free society.

She says our society seems to be losing tolerance for free speech, differing opinions, dissent and freedom of belief.

The move away from science and evidence informing our laws and policies is having a detrimental effect on women’s sex-based rights, as well as other areas such as education and healthcare.  Sue has personally benefited from the enormous advances women have made in the struggle for equality.

She says protecting the mechanisms which allow our society to be flexible, tolerant and flourishing is very important for us all. Sue firmly believes equality of the sexes, separation of church and state, free speech and the scientific method are among the greatest achievements of our civilisation.

She strongly supports the right to NOT hold a belief. Ideologies must be recognised for what they are, the most cherished and tightly held beliefs, and should not be forced on to others who do not share those views in a free society.

We are the only political party in New Zealand that puts women first.
