Catherine Ormsby

Catherine Ormbsy: New Zealand Women's Rights Group


List position: 6

Meet Catherine Ormsby

I have dusted off my demonstration boots and I’m back taking action in support of Women’s Safe Spaces

Kate has a keen interest in women’s rights issues and was involved with the Women’s Action Group and Women Against Pornography at Victoria University in the 1980s.

Kate’s involvement in women’s equality issues and anti-racism campaigns began while she was at secondary school and continued through to university.

Kate has a background in commercial and residential property, and has worked for a range of organisations including charities and international corporates.  She grew up in Wellington, UK and Samoa and spent nine years in London as a young adult.

Of Irish, Ngati Maniapoto and Ngapuhi descent, she comes from a long line of women who have fought against sex discrimination and has a particular interest in supporting the rights of Maori and Pacific women.

We are the only political party in New Zealand that puts women first.
