If the law says any man can ‘be’ a woman just because he says he is, what does this mean for laws that protect women and girls?
Can we rely on our laws to protect women and girl’s spaces – in school toilets, changing sheds, etc? What about women’s sports? Or when women want to get together without men, either in-person or on-line?
Sall will talk about ‘Tickle v Giggle’, the biggest legal case for women’s rights in decades with echoes beyond Australia.
The case is about women and girls having the rights they need for their dignity and safety, and protecting these rights in law. As a Federal Court Judge in Australia decides the question of “what is a woman?”, here in NZ the Law Commission is consulting over the inclusion of ‘gender identity and expression’ in our Human Rights Act. A Bill to do so is already before Parliament.
Will ‘gender’ trump ‘sex’ in discrimination cases? Can we talk freely and openly about this?
We welcome Sall Grover in conversations with >> in Auckland, Jill Ovens in New Plymouth, Phillida Bunkle with other panellists in Wellington, and Helen Houghton with other panellists in Christchurch.
If you can’t attend but want to support Sall’s visit to New Zealand and her legal costs, donate here.