A just society will maintain the rights that women have fought for.

We are women and men who believe in democracy, equality and biological reality. Clarity about sex is critical for safeguarding the human rights of everybody.

The Party honours the women of Aotearoa NZ, who won the right to vote in 1893, the first self-governing nation in the World to legislate women’s suffrage.

The Women’s Rights Party has formed 130 years later out of a concern for the erosion of the rights of women and girls.
We combine this history with the imperative to create a society in which women are autonomous, and all women, men and children can live in harmony with each other to protect the future for our children and their children.

Womens Rights

Join The Movement

We are now accepting members. Join us to make this country safe and more fair for women and girls.


With your support we can advocate for the interests of women in parliament.

Latest News

Giving Police more powers to constrain protest is not a solution to police failings

Media attention has been focussing on IPCA calls for a law change, and not on the shockingly “inadequate” response at Albert Park. 

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Submission on the Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) (3 Day Postnatal Stay) Amendment Bill

The Women’s Rights Party has major concerns about how an extra postnatal day is realistically going to be delivered in a climate of health cuts, primary facility shortages, and a midwifery staffing crisis.

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Stalking And Harassment Bill

Legislation must support women’s safety without compromising women’s freedom to criticize male dominance

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Submission On The Use of Puberty Blockers

It is completely unethical that a medication that deliberately eliminates the crucial physical and cognitive development of puberty is available without regulation in New Zealand, and has been allowed to gain a celebrity status amongst children

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Interview: From the front lines of the Gender Wars, and surveying the field in 2025.

Jill and Katrina join the polity.world podcast to review the highlights and lowlights of 2024 from the front lines of the Gender Wars, and survey the field in 2025.

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